Blog Articles
Simple things
Relatively simple jobs can sometimes be quite satisfying. Freesource, renewable energy experts, wanted to create a simple web page for their new Welsh office. The design needed to be the same as the main site, the web copy unique and the form needed to redirect elsewhere. To satisfy this brief we created Simple, clear…
Blog Templates
We have had a couple of emails praising our website and asking which blog template we are using. I just want to set the record straight, that this is our own template, lovingly hand crafted by Chris, forensically edited by Nicola and based on a wicked design that Sarah created. Blogs are a great way…
Bringing visitors to your shop
If you want to increase visitors to shops (both online and old fashioned bricks and mortar shops), there are many things you can do. Do them all well and your luxury yacht is assured. However, even doing one or two things well will probably be enough to make the door spin a lot faster. The…
WordPress 3.2 now available
A quick reminder for all WordPress users. Version 3.2 is now available and the automatic upgrade worked perfectly for me, so you shouldn’t have any problems updating either. We recommend you upgrade WordPress whenever they release a new version so that the latest security patches are installed and so that you can take advantage of…
The formula for website success
I was reading something by Jacob Neilsen (my web useability guru of choice) this morning and about half way down his article I found a mathematical formula. I am a bit of a sucker for these things because they appeal to my logical side. The formula was entitled ‘The formula for website success’ and that…
Social Media – what to write about
A twitter or facebook page is a great marketing tool, but businesses often ask “what should I write about?” There is a perception in some companies that a new social media initiative will fail because “we don’t have anything to say”. To help anyone in this position, here is an initial list of topics that…
List files in a folder
One of the things you cannot normally do in Windows is to open a folder and then copy and paste the list of subfolders and files into a text document. However, in the last month alone 3 people have asked me how to do it. Well, I thought I might share this little routine that…
Live data on a website
Displaying live data to colleagues, clients or potential customers is a great idea. Sales teams can be given access to secure web pages which display their targets and how close they are to reaching them. Management can view any number of business related charts, graphs and tables to give them an understanding of how everything…
When is the best time to send email newsletters?
The best time to send an email newsletter depends on a number of things. Firstly it depends on whether you are sending to consumers or businesses. If you are sending to businesses the best time to send an email newsletter is when the recipient’s inbox is less full and they are not snowed under. This…
Heading Tags, WYSIWYG editors and SEO.
Tools that make building websites easy sometimes make getting visitors a lot harder. Many websites are built using web-based database driven systems that use WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) software to allow owners to edit the content for their websites. These tools are usually well configured to ensure the resulting pages are…
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